Accueil Interactive Elements

Interactive Elements

Image With Text Over

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color= » title=’Qode Interactive’ title_color= » text=’Beautiful pages’ text_color= » link=’’ target= »]


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color= » title=’Qode Interactive’ title_color= » text=’Amazing shortcodes’ text_color= » link=’’ target=’_blank’]


[image_with_text_over image_link=’’ background_color= » title=’Qode Interactive’ title_color= » text=’Dedicated support’ text_color= » link= » target= »]


[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’30’ down=’60’]

List Animation

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]


[unordered_list style=’number_with_background’ animate=’yes’]

  • 100% Responsive Design Layout
  • High Quality Work
  • Amazing Parallax Effects
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Ajax Loaded



[unordered_list style=’circle’ animate=’yes’]

  • 100% Responsive Design Layout
  • High Quality Work
  • Amazing Parallax Effects
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Ajax Loaded



[unordered_list style=’number’ animate=’yes’]

  • 100% Responsive Design Layout
  • High Quality Work
  • Amazing Parallax Effects
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Ajax Loaded



[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’5′ down=’60’]

Elements Animation (5 types animation)

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]


[elements_animation animation_type=’element_from_left’]

[image_with_text background_color= » image_link=’’]




[elements_animation animation_type=’element_from_top’]

[image_with_text background_color= » image_link=’’]




[elements_animation animation_type=’element_from_right’]

[image_with_text background_color= » image_link=’’]




[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’10’ down=’60’]

Related Project

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]

[portfolio_slider order_by=’menu_order’ order=’ASC’ number=’-1′ category= » selected_projects=’255,256,250,254,253′]

[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’30’ down=’60’]

Progress Bar (Fully customizable)

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’10’]



[progress_bar title= »Design » percent= »90″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color= » height=’10’]
[progress_bar title= »Responsive » percent= »60″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color= » height=’15’]
[progress_bar title= »Retina Ready » percent= »85″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color= » height=’20’]




[progress_bar title= »Design » percent= »60″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color=’#ffffff’ height=’10’]
[progress_bar title= »Responsive » percent= »77″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color=’#ffffff’ height=’15’]
[progress_bar title= »Retina Ready » percent= »94″ color= » percent_color= » active_background_color= » noactive_background_color=’#ffffff’ height=’20’]



[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’6′ down=’60’]

Progress Bar Vertical (Fully customizable)

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’10’]



[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »66″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size= »]

[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »82″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size= »]

[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »75″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size= »]





[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »66″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]

[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »82″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]

[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »95″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]


[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »46″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]


[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »72″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]


[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »82″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]

[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »95″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]


[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »46″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]


[progress_bar_vertical title= »Design » percent= »72″ background_color= » percentage_color= » text_color= » text_size=’13’]




[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’30’ down=’60’]

Charts (Fully customizable)

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]


[pie_chart type=’normal’ title=’Pie Chart Title’ title_color= » percent=’48’ percentage_color= » active_color= » noactive_color= » line_width= »]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[pie_chart type=’normal’ title=’Pie Chart Title’ title_color= » percent=’82’ percentage_color= » active_color= » noactive_color= » line_width=’15’]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[pie_chart type=’normal’ title=’Pie Chart Title’ title_color= » percent=’68’ percentage_color= » active_color= » noactive_color=’transparent’ line_width=’20’]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[pie_chart type=’normal’ title=’Pie Chart Title’ title_color= » percent=’98’ percentage_color= » active_color= » noactive_color=’transparent’ line_width=’25’]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’25’ down=’60’]

Counter (Two animation types)

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]



[counter type=’type2′ position=’center’ digit=’648′ font_size= » font_color= »]

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’5′ down=’10’]

Amazing Counter Effect



[counter type=’type2′ position=’center’ digit=’329′ font_size= » font_color= »]

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’5′ down=’10’]

Amazing Counter Effect





[counter type=’type1′ position=’center’ digit=’28’ font_size= » font_color= »]

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’5′ down=’10’]

Amazing Counter Effect



[counter type=’type1′ position=’center’ digit=’41’ font_size= » font_color= »]

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’5′ down=’10’]

Amazing Counter Effect




[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’30’ down=’60’]

YouTube / Vimeo

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]




[separator type=’normal’ color= » thickness= » up=’30’ down=’60’]

Accordion Full Width Or Grid

[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’20’ down=’20’]

[accordion_full_width title=’Click Here To See Extension Of This Page’ title_color= » subtitle=’In This Section Can Be Any Content – Full Width Or In The Grid’ subtitle_color= » full_width=’yes’ background_color= »]



[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’10’ down=’5′]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’10’ down=’5′]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’10’ down=’5′]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.



[separator type=’transparent’ color= » thickness= » up=’10’ down=’5′]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, feugiat delicata liberavisse id cum, no quo.

